I came across this sentence and it immediately made me think of you.
I've written about you hundreds of times before. On the paper, on the back of my hand, on my blog, on my heart.
I'd lie if I'd say that I don't miss you. (And I've said this lie for two thousand times) You came, you saw and you conquered, leaving my heart to the state of desert where nothing grew but bitterness. Bitterness and anger kept me going. And each passing day I love you more, I hate you more. I want to kill you for what you did to me and then to embrace your cold body, for I have forgiven you what you did to me.
People come and go and sometimes they stay, but no one has been able to erase the scars from my heart nor build a well in the bitter desert. No one is willing to build the new houses and castles on the top of my ruins. I think they are haunted by ghost of your memories and what they mean to me. No one is brave enough to exorcise them so they leave them be, building new houses few heartbeats away from the ruins.
With age they've grown powerful. When they see or feel you, they become restless and my heart aches and new beautiful buildings collapse and their builder leaves, frustrated. Sometimes the builders stay for a while, rebuilding their own village for few times more. But in the end they all will leave and I'm left alone with your memory.
I pray for release. For you are nothing more but memories anymore and memories can be forgotten.